Third Party Press

Useful excerpts about soldiers disassembling K98k's, Waffenmeisters & field reworks



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Large Armorers Tool Kit

Unfortunately I don't own a "Large armorer tool kit for machine guns and hand weapons" (Großer Waffenmeisterwerkzeugkasten für Maschinengewehre und Handwaffen), therefore I can't show pictures of it. In the book Karabiner 98k Volume II, in the chapter "Reworks & Depot Builds", are high quality pictures. If someone wants to provide me with some pics, I will put them in this post.

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, June 21, 1935

*** A example Kriegsausrüstungsnachweisung (war equipment documentation) is in #17: Link

Hello. Here are a few photos of a Large Armorer Tool Kit for Machine Guns and Hand Weapons. Do you know of a publication that lists all the contents in the box? Thanks for your interest.


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Hell of some nice kits guys. Really nice. And Stephan you surprise me everyday when I get home from work on your information postings. Wow! Feel like you learn something new everyday from it. Like I have said before thank you for taking the time too do this.
Not really useful for discussion, but here's a contract from the SS to purchase both small and large Waffenmeisterwerkzeugkasten from Hahn & Kolb, the same maker as shown here.


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Craig, thank you very much for the pictures of the "Kleiner Waffenwerkzeugsatz" (small weapon tool kit) and the "Vorratskasten für Handwaffen" (spare box for hand weapons). It's great the spare box survived for such a long time untouched in the attic of the Bavarian house.

Many people think the small weapon tool kit was used just for MG 34 or MG 42, because the tools are stored in an MG ammunition box, but it was used for other weapons too. Here you can see it in use for a field repair of a machine pistol:
MP Repair.jpg
The double-wrench as example was used to unscrew and screw the Überwurfmutter (collar nut) of the MP 38/MP 40. and the Feuerdämpfer (flash hider) of the MG34.

You are very welcome, I'm glad you enjoy this thread.
Hello. Here are a few photos of a Large Armorer Tool Kit for Machine Guns and Hand Weapons. Do you know of a publication that lists all the contents in the box? Thanks for your interest.

You are very welcome Hercules and thank you very much for your contribution.

At present I only have a part of the table of contents to the "large armorer tool kit for machine guns and hand weapons". The translation of the parts is quite difficult and it take some time, in the next days I will do it.

Not really useful for discussion, but here's a contract from the SS to purchase both small and large Waffenmeisterwerkzeugkasten from Hahn & Kolb, the same maker as shown here.

Thank you Mike, in my opinion it's a interesting document and useful. I will use the chance to introduce another armorer tool (position 3 in your contract from the SS) and to name the different Geräteklassen (device classes).

Army Decree-Sheet published by the Army High Command - Berlin, November 15, 1939

1092. Introduction of armorer tools.

It will be introduced:

Not translated

Checking- and straightening device for the jacket M.G. 34.

1. Name: Prüf- und Richtgerät zum Mantel M.G. 34 (Checking and straightening device for the jacket M.G. 34.),
2. Abbreviation: Not required,
3. Class of equipment number: 34,
4. Requisition number: J 28160,
5. Annex to A.N. (Heer): J 3430.

The device will be included in the concerned A.N. One of these devices are required for formations that are equipped with the großen Vorratskasten für M.G. 34 (large spare box for M.G. 34).

The requirement is to register until April 1, 1940 from the Gen. Kdos. (Stellv. Gen. Kdos.) at O.K.H. (BdE) (AHA/Fz In).

Until inclusion in the A.N. the device is considered over-scheduled.

Not translated

Not translated

O.K.H. (BdE), November 8, 1939
---- 77 d ---- AHA / In 2 (III b).

Geräteklassen (device classes)

J = Infanteriegerät

A = Artilleriegerät

Hm = Heeresmeßgerät

P = Pinoniergerät

E = Eisenbahnpioniergerät

K = Kraftfahrgerät und Kfz.-Betriebsstoffe

N = Nachrichtengerät

H = Allgemeines Heeresgerät

Vw = Verwaltungstruppengerät

Ch = Nebel- und Gasschutzgerät

V = Veterinärgerät

S = Sanitätsgerät

R = Handelsübliches Werlzeug

U = Handelsübliches Gerät

Q = Handelsübliche Verbrauchsmittel

W = Handelsübliche Werkstoffe

Z = Handelsübliche Betriebsstoffe

In our example the armorer tool "Prüf- und Richtgerät zum Mantel M.G. 34" has the letter "J" in front of the requisition number, it means it's "Infanteriegerät" (Infantry equipment). The Hahn & Kolb box has the letter "H" behind the year 1939, it stands for "Allgemeines Heeresgerät" (general army equipment).
Geräteklassen - Translation

Geräteklassen (device classes) - Translation

J = Infanteriegerät - Infantry equipment

A = Artilleriegerät - Artillery equipment

Hm = Heeresmeßgerät - Army measuring instruments equipment

P = Pinoniergerät - Pioneer equipment

E = Eisenbahnpioniergerät - Railway pioneer troops equipment

K = Kraftfahrgerät und Kfz.-Betriebsstoffe - Motor vehicle equipment and motor vehicle operating materials

N = Nachrichtengerät - Communication equipment

H = Allgemeines Heeresgerät - General army equipment

Vw = Verwaltungstruppengerät - Administrative troops equipment

Ch = Nebel- und Gasschutzgerät - Mist and gas protection equipment

V = Veterinärgerät - Veterinary equipment

S = Sanitätsgerät - Medical equipment

R = Handelsübliches Werlzeug - Commercially available tools

U = Handelsübliches Gerät - Commercially available equipment

Q = Handelsübliche Verbrauchsmittel - Commercially available consumables

W = Handelsübliche Werkstoffe - Commercially available materials

Z = Handelsübliche Betriebsstoffe - Commercially available operating materials
Large Armorer Tool Kit for Machine Guns and Hand Weapons - Table of contents

Here is the table of contents of the "Großer Waffenmeisterwerkzeugkasten für MG und Handwaffen" (Large Armorer Tool Kit for Machine Guns and Hand Weapons), at least an excerpt of it. Unfortunately I don't have all the pages.

Front page of the booklet

001 Front Page.jpg

Page 4 of the booklet

002 Page 4.jpg

Page 5 of the booklet

003 Page 5.jpg


004 Example.jpg
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Large Armorer Tool Kit for M.G. and Hand Weapons - Allocation

Here is another order, it's about the allocation of "M.G.-Handwagen" (M.G.-handcart) and "Großer Waffenmeisterwerkzeugkasten für M.G. und Handwaffen" (Large Armorer Tool Kit for M.G. and Hand Weapons).

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, June 7, 1935

256. Allocation of M.G.-handcart and Large Armorer Tool Kit for M.G. and Hand Weapons.

According to the now incoming deliveries the missing on the target


Accessories and supplies items for M.G.-handcart


Large Armorer Tool Kit for M.G. and Hand Weapons

get issued.

The demand has to be reported as follows:

Rgt at Div. until June 15, 1935 *
Div. at W.K. until June 22, 1935 *
W.K. at H.Fzm. until July 1, 1935 *

Motorized troops report their demand to the responsible W.K.

It should be noted that M.G.-handcart a/A and Large Armorer Tool Kit for M.G. and Hand Weapons of the previous type take into account.

Supreme High Command of the German Army, May 28, 1935. AHA/Fz IV.

* Abbreviation:
Rgt at Div. until June 15, 1935 = Regiment at Division until June 15, 1935
Div. at W.K. until June 22, 1935 = Division at Wehrkreis until June 22, 1935
W.K. at H.Fzm. until July 1, 1935 = Wehrkreis at Heeres Feldzeugmeisterei until July 1, 1935
Stamping the Cleaning RG34

Here is another interesting order, it's about stamping the Cleaning Kit 34 with the serial number of the weapon. In addition, I have again attached the table of contents of the "Large Armorer Tool Kit for Machine Guns and Hand Weapons", please pay attention to the yellow marked area.

003 Page 5 Kopie.jpg

Army Decree-Sheet published by the Army High Command - Berlin, July 15, 1939

660. Stamping the Cleaning Kit 34.

The Reinigungsgeräte 34 (Cleaning Kit 34) of the troops are to stamp in the interest of a control.

All containers are to be provided with the serial number of the weapon. In front of the number is a "G" to stamp if the Cleaning Kit 34 is for a firearm 98 and a "P" if it's intended for a pistol.

Cleaning Kit 34 for small bore rifles are not to stamp.

Stamp location: upper lid, opposite side of the company logo. If there is no company logo, left half of the lid.

Stamp size: x,x mm.


O.K.H., July 10, 1939
---- 72 ---- In 2 (VII).

Many thanks to Wolfgang for the sample photos!

001.jpg 002.jpg 003.jpg 004.jpg 005.jpg 006.jpg

PS: I'm sorry, I've removed the size of the stamp to make it more difficult for humpers.
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Alteration / changes of weapons and equipment

Here is an interesting excerpt from a document.

Commander for the rear army area - St. Qu., March 6, 1944

Kommandant für das
rück. Armeegebiet

St. Qu., March 6, 1944

Generalmajor Dr. Grosse, höh. Pi.Führer, takes over my representation during my leave of
absence, in current affairs the chief of staff.

signed A g r i c o l a

Special orders for the supply No. 129.

I. Universal.
I didn't translate this and the following paragraphs

IV. Equipment (Qu.).


2.) Alteration / changes of weapons and equipment.

Self-handed changes to weapons and equipment are prohibited.
Changes that have proven themselves are commanded as a “Formänderung” (change of shape) in the Ht. V. Blatt, A.H.M. and special decrees.

Intended changes to weapons and equipment, which are deemed necessary by the troop, must be submitted for decision before execution.

PS: I'm sorry, I've removed the size of the stamp to make it more difficult for humpers.

And, more difficult for those doing research or seeking to confirm authenticity. "It isn't the information, it's how it's used."
And, more difficult for those doing research or seeking to confirm authenticity. "It isn't the information, it's how it's used."

That's right. The research is very time consuming and the translations take a lot extra time, I do it to share these informations with you. I would't make this job if it wouldn't be important to me. You can imagine the decision to hide informations was not easy for me, it hurts a bit. But I think the size of the stamp is a small detail and you can get over the loss of this information. Not only reputable collectors can read here, unfortunately also scum who fake the weapons and I don't want to support these criminals.
Broken stocks of carbines and rifles - Armee-Geräte-Park

Here is another interesting excerpt from a document. The abbreviation "A.G.P. 665" means "Armee-Geräte-Park 665".

Generalkommando XX.A.K. Qu. - K.H.Qu., March 14, 1944

Generalkommando XX.A.K.

K.H.Qu., March 14, 1944

Special orders for the supply
No. 50.

I. Universal.
I didn't translate this and the following paragraphs

II. Equipment.

2.) Broken stocks of carbines and rifles.

Broken stocks must be returned to A.G.P. 665, if they can not be repaired.
A.G.P. 665 initiates forwarding to the homeland.

Military Rifle Journal