Numbered cleaning rod want list.


Canadian Grizzly Eh
Staff member
Post the rods you are looking for. Listing the ones you have is fine, but please don't list any you are selling as the list will get outdated quickly. This thread will be kept alive through a sticky for numbered parts.

I am looking for:

Early Weimar Eagle e/214 #91

Nazi style Eagle e/26 #04
I am looking for '05' cleaning rod for a Erfurt 1904 GEW 98. I have a '85' currently. Thanks.

Are you starting a Safety Latch serial number thread? I have several mismatched safeties, and cocking piece's, and followers. Thanks.
I’m not quite sure where to draw the line. A rod or bolt is very
Commonly mismatched. Wasn’t going to start a thread for every possible part.
It's believed that most makers stopped marking serial numbers on cleaning rods in 1942-1943. There are probably exceptions, I guess K98k's from 1940-1942 will have cleaning rods with serial numbers anyway.

If you have a 1943 marked K98k, it's probably better to go for an unmarked cleaning rod. Some claim to have 'original cleaning rods' cheap ($30), not saying 'original German WWII'. Original German WWII cleaning rods rarely come cheap, unless they are not German WWII or broken.

The cheaper ones I observed being sold as 'original cleaning rods' are likely shorted longer cleaning rods without serial numbers.

Best regards Tommy
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Makes sense - I have what I know to be a re-pro in mine right now. (byf43) I've seen ads for "originals" - but not sure I want to take a leap on that without actually being able to put my hands on one.